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Maternity and Fresh 48 Newborn Photo Session | Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Photographer

Writer's picture: .iana.iana

Updated: Jan 29, 2020

Prepare to be amazed.

This is how to look on your due date+4 (12hrs before you go into labour!)


And this is how to look around 48hrs after bringing unbearable cuteness into this world.


This mama is a continuous source of strength, bravery and inspiration – I just love the fact that we got maternity photos done just hours before the miracle happened and was delighted to have been back so soon.



Welcome to the world, Baby Callan – you are such a lucky boy to have landed in these safe and loving arms and I cannot wait to get to you know you better.



I spent a lovely evening photographing this beautiful new family in their Aberdeenshire home and hope I didn’t overstay my welcome (too much).



We moved into the bedroom towards the end of the session and the light and mood were just so magical, I couldn’t stop clicking. The number of times I said ‘ok, I better go now’ and picked my camera back up again – I lost count!


These first days with a new little one are so special – seeing your first-born interact with their brand new sibling, remembering all the things that newborns do and don’t do – all the things that you have to do and can get away with not doing (newborns take up so much less energy than toddlers – don’t we know it!) and they change so fast!

It is not long before they no longer fit into the palm of your hand and get those milk-drunk dough eyes, embrace every moment and, whether professionally or privately, make sure you have each and every moment captured to remember in the years to come.

Congratulations, beautiful family!

Here are a few more images we took the day we didn't know was going to turn into the day (well, the day before the night) two became three! How gorgeous and amazing, right?








Aberdeen | Aberdeenshire | Laurencekirk | Photography | Family | Newborn | Children | Childhood | Photographer | Photography | Corporate | Headshots | Business | Professional | Portraits | Lifestyle | Natural Light | Blogger | Blogging | Beauty | Fresh48 | Maternity | Pregnancy | Pregnant | Mama

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