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Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt - It's a Wrap! | Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Family Photographer

Writer's picture: .iana.iana

Updated: Dec 13, 2018

Did you know that summer doesn’t officially end in the Northern Hemisphere until 23rd of September?

Ha! So we’re yet to enjoy a few sunny days, I’m sure of it!

But there is another little adventure that has come to an end last week and that is the Summer Scavenger Hunt – I am sooooo grateful for each and every single one of you who joined in, watched from the sidelines, cheered on and drew inspiration from those, who played along.

And here was the list we were all searching for (and also, a couple of rogue 'bonus' items, suggested about half-way through the summer, which some people managed to 'hunt down' too - keep an eye out for those in some of the grids....


Whether you completed the list or only planned to start on it, or maybe you’d taken the images throughout the summer, but never actually submitted to the group – I applaud you for taking a step in the right direction of developing your relationship with photography!

To commemorate the group of girls, who contributed the images into the Scavenger Hunt, I have pulled together the galleries split by the individuals, which you can gorge on below!

Gemma's grid:

Rule of Thirds | Pure Joy | Golden Hour

Bubbles | Shadow | Summer Food

Water Fun | Water Fun | Unguided Posing

Sunglasses | Summer Food | Black and White

Rachael's grid (which actually captured some items from the 'Optional Extras' list!):

Faceless Portrait | Shadow | Rain

Joy | Summer Food | Reflection

Another Day At The Office | Unguided Posing | From Top/Bottom

Wanderlusting | Water Fun | Rule of Thirds

Black and White | Beach | Rainy Day Indoors

No Hands Selfie | Golden Hour | Bubbles

Summer Food | Sunglasses

Megan's grid:

Joy | Beach | Black and White

From Below | Water Fun | Unguided Posing

Golden Hour | Rule of Thirds | Shadow

April's grid:

Rule of Thirds | No Hands Selfie | Beach

Golden Hour | Black and White | Bubbles

From Above | From Below | Joy

Summer Food | Shadow | Sunglasses

Unguided Posing | Water Fun

Kimberly's grid:

Another Day at The Office | Wanderlusting | Water Fun

Unguided Posing | Sunglasses | Summer Food

Shadows | Reflection | Rule of Thirds

Joy | Bubbles | Black and White

Faceless Portrait | Beach | Break the Rules

From Above

Kimberly is an avid mommy blogger, writing up a storm about her adventures with a toddler and a newborn in tow and can be found on her Blog and Instagram!

My grid:

From Top | From Bottom | Unguided Posing

Summer Food | Shadow | Water Fun (aka bubbles that wouldn't appear)

Golden Hour | Black and White | Beach

Rule of Thirds | No Hands Selfie | Reflection

Wanderlusting | Faceless Portrait | Breaking the Rules (...of Thirds)

Aren’t they all so amazing?

Few of us had multiple ‘submissions’ into some of the categories (Rule of Thirds and Unguided Posing are seemingly pretty easy to achieve), while some of the categories have barely been touched upon (apparently, in the sunniest summer we’ve had in a long time, photos of shadow and sunglasses are quite rare).

Please join me in congratulating our wonderful group of Huntresses in having an amazing summer snapping.

My suggestion at the end of this snappy journey is that as many images, as possible are printed - because it takes a second to snap, a few minutes to edit, a few days to admire and, if kept in digital form, it is highly likely that you won't look at these pictures again for some time.

I am so grateful to Alex at DigitaLab for kindly and generously offering each taking part a chance to claim a beautiful, professional grade print of their chosen image.

Printing your keepsakes at a lab makes such a difference to the quality of your images and you owe it nothing less.

Thanks so much for your input and helping making the Hunt end on the highest of highs.

I hope that those of you, who took part, took something away from this little adventure and will join me on future expeditions (should we do a Christmas one, girls?).

Maybe those, who joined the group, but didn’t post as much as they intended to, found motivation and inspiration in what they saw.

I am going to keep the Facebook Group running/open, if anyone wants to ask any questions or share any images they take going forward, this would be amazing to see.

Let’s keep the group going as a place, where we can all support each other on the journey along the learning curve and help motivate and inspire.

Aberdeen | Aberdeenshire | Laurencekirk | Montrose | Scotland | Photography | Family | Newborn | Children | Childhood | Maternity | Photographer | Corporate | Headshots | Business | Professional | Portraits | Lifestyle | Natural Light | Blogger | Blogging | Beauty | Scavenger Hunt

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