Today marks the start of 2021 Book Week in Scotland!

A week-long celebration of books and reading 💛
I was always reading something (anything!) as a kid and young person (which I obviously still am...), but, admittedly, social media has overtaken that hobby in the recent years and audiobooks are my preferred way of ‘consuming’ books 👂🏽
Last ‘real’ books I read were the Themis Files series by Sylvain Neuvel - sci-fi books I picked up by a fluke while travelling on my own and read in a matter of days - I was so engrossed! 🥰

While audio format works fabulously for busy people, constantly on the go - you can be soaking up information while driving or cleaning - nothing is quite as great as marking a page or highlighting a paragraph with inspirational or thought-provoking information 📚

And here are 5 book recommendations and on my radar for the coming months:
Fiona Humberstone's Brand Brilliance (as I continue working on my new brand, picking up tips from this book has been so invaluable in helping me find direction)
Glass House by Eve Chase - it’s a fiction book I picked up on the way to France a few weeks ago… I was travelling with my two boys, so I only managed to read a handful of pages, but I can’t wait to be on the plane next week in hopes of devouring the book then 🔥
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller - I firmly believe that our brand IS a story, the visuals I create for my clients weave a tale for their audience and I am here for it - this book is great for slotting thoughts into place!
Work Like a Woman by Mary Portas was a 👏🏼FABULOUS👏🏼 self-proclaimed (I agree!) ‘manifesto for change’ in the way we understand how men and women work. Isn’t the goal for us all to be rewarded (I’m not necessarily talking cash here 🤫) for the work we do? A lot of great thoughts on how we can get there and Mary’s style of writing, makes it for a really easy and fun read.
100 Things Successful People Do by Nigel Cumberland - "bitesize courage" is the best way I can think of describing this book. It’s not patronising, it’s not complicated, it’s wildly encouraging and enlightening. I think I’ll re-read it again very soon 💛

For personal brand shoots books can also provide an excellent prop. A well-chosen book can support your branding personality or coordinate with your color scheme or communicate your aesthetic, value and vision.
I often advise my clients to have a good think about a book and/or magazine that would lead to a great conversation about their business and bring it along to their photoshoot.

🌟 What book made an impact on you - whether in personal or professional life?
And speaking of books, today I'd love to share an enchanting fairy tale wedding from my photographer friend - Fiona Saxon, she's a wedding photographer and her Borwick Castle Wedding Scotland is pure magic - enjoy the browse!
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