Oh wow!
Please can somebody stop the planet, it’s my time to get off?

But, as I keep repeating my mantra de-jour, we must keep positive, stay strong and make this madness work for us.
Fear can be paralysing.
Whether in your professional or personal life, being told to keep your distance and watching places you experienced joy and comfort close their doors one by one, can leave us feeling deflated, unmotivated and confused.
I mean, what is there left to do?
Don’t get me wrong, watching Netflix on end, eating popcorn and taking walks in a nearby park (keeping 2 metre distance, of course, from any other walkers) sounds like a great prospect - for the time being at least (I am ignoring the fact that there is a worse/scarier option for spending the time!)..
But, personally, I am also determined to keep active - keep my brain churning over, creative juices flowing and maybe even learn a new thing!
I refuse to let this virus defeat me and impact my lifestyle even more than it has done already and I’m going to turn all that energy of uncertainty and confusion into a driver for learning, trialing and finally getting to do the things I’ve been meaning to do for so long and not been able to find the time.
Well, my friend, now, time I have plenty of!
I continue working together with some friends of mine on a little monthly feature - The Portrait Loop, with today’s theme being ‘artificial light’.
And for my portrait, the ‘artificial light’ I’ve used comes from screens - we are surrounded by them, drawing entertainment, information and keeping in touch with our loved ones.

Easy to have a love/hate relationship and I need to keep myself in check - that the relationships I nurture through my screens are some of the most important ones (my parents and sister live in Holland and I am so thankful for modern technology fuelling our ability to keep in touch!) and any information I read is truly reliable...
And - let me be completely candid here - if it takes to flick the tv on for 15 minutes or so first thing in the morning to allow me gather my thoughts and have my three cups of coffee... I can live with that!

How are you keeping yourself sane in these interesting times?
And now please follow the loop through to New Forest Photographer - Ann Owen - to see her Loop Portrait this month - make sure to follow through the entire group, until you come back here.
I have a feeling it’ll be an interesting journey this month!
Keep safe and sane, look after your loved ones!
I love how you chose screens for your artificial light, couldn't be more perfect since we will be using them more than ever now!! Beautiful images too.. Hope you're doing okXx